Live - Dance - Laugh - Discover - LOVE - Explore <> Dream it . It's my life .
The epicenter of loneliness, is being surrounded by hundreds of people and not being acknowledged by a single soul. So, imagine this for me:
What if we were nicer people? What if we smiled more and worried less? Trust me when I say I know that a simple smile and nod "hello" from another human, can save your life. Especially in a place where it's expected most. 
If you can't relate to 'the church,' I understand because I rarely can either and it's very much been my upbringing. The church is the most judgmental and at times, unwelcoming place there is. When I've needed it most, not a single soul at church sees me. Given, I don't reach out but maybe it's because I feel unsafe doing so. So isn't that the church's job to make every person feel open or vulnerable to do so?
Who knows. Maybe this doesn't make sense at all. But what I do know, is that the church is weighed down by the corruption of this world. I am not blaming the church or disempowering my confidence and trust in it. 
But I am questioning the morals in which the members of the church claim to exercise. Are you really pouring into your church the way you advertise yourself to be? Or are you a greeter at the door for looks, self approval and other's approval?