Live - Dance - Laugh - Discover - LOVE - Explore <> Dream it . It's my life .
As lonely girl sits in her room, she realizes all her ways are vile.  Repulsive.  Even hideous.  But in sense, she concludes a change is yet to come.  Her sweet side was as pleasant as warm tea snuggled by the fireside.  It was lost in thought bettering everyone around her with the best possible intentions, but her own self.  Admiring the good things about people's appearance as well as the bad.  She smiled at every passerby and heldfast the delights of chivalry.  Smooth jazz filled her mind dancing with the cool breeze that made her smile so easy.  But what was it that was so devilishly foul about her soul?  Why couldn't she fix it?  What was it?  The way she held her confidence was unabashed.  She knew what she wanted everywhere she left a footprint.  She was in a rush.  She wanted to stop and admire and think freely about the things in life that caught her attention.  But she couldn't.  She just couldn't find a way.  Mapped out goals and christened plans occupied her near and beyond future.  She was beat-up inside and holding it together on the outside.  She did what she had to and didn't break the rules because the pain was much too great to bear when the consequences were implied.  So what was wrong?  Why was she so unnecessary to others?  She was mean.  She was smart in protecting herself from hurt.  She inflicted her own pain.  Or did she?  Why was she so alone in the lavishly packed sphere of a world?